Singing Guide: Lashun Pace

Singing Guide: Lashun Pace

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lashun Pace, from Atlanta, Georgia, is a Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter who is recognized as the queen of Gospel Music. Her high-pitched and raspy voice sets Pace apart in the gospel music industry. Her gospel work has earned her numerous Grammy and Stellar nominations, and several awards. Her unique vocal technique has made her stand out as the one and only Lashun Pace.

To learn how to sing like her, you first need to identify the unique aspects of her style, from tone, pitch, and phrasing. It's important to practice regularly and focus on developing your vocal range and control.

One song that showcases her unique vocal technique is "I Know I've Been Changed." In this song, you can hear the perfect demonstration of her unique voice that is both raspy and mellow at the same time. She also showcases a strong vibrato. Other songs of hers that you may want to practice include "In Everything Give Thanks" and "The Blood."

To get started, Singing Carrots offers several resources that can help you develop your voice, focus on your pitch, and vocal range. The Warm-Up Exercises playlist on their YouTube channel, provides several warm-up exercises to help you get started such as: breathing exercises, vocal scales, and arpeggios. This vocal range test will determine your vocal range, comparing it with famous singers.

Singing Carrots also provides a Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to help you improve your pitch accuracy, alongside with the Vocal Pitch Monitor that helps visualize your notes and pitch.

Articles like "Breathing Basics" and "Breath Support" can help you improve your breathing technique, one of the fundamental keys to good singing. You can learn more about voice registers and vocal break in "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" article. To perfect articulation, you can use the "Articulation" article and "Finger Bite" and "Humming" videos. To learn more about how to achieve vocal distortions and effects like Lashun Pace, check out the "Vocal Distortion & Growling" article and "How to Growl Exercise" video.

Remember to keep practicing and have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.